As predicted I’ll be able to send a link to every supporter by monday evening.
Thanks again for the patience.
Mind everyone this is just the beta.
I hope there won’t be serious, undiscovered issues, but there might be.
Additionally I won’t be able to add the content from my higher tier reward contributers until the official release. I need time to finalize and customize their contributions so that everything fits in the scope of the game.
All of the scripts. artwork and mission building is completed. The game runs to the end.
To do…
1)I’ll have to make sure every last level to level link is complete. 2)Optimize the art files…and atlases. Relink them the ones that need them relinked after optimization. 3) write the script for the windows installer.
All in all I predict that I should have the beta available by toworrow afternoon.
Spent the weekend tracking down missions that had links that didn’t work properly, so I’m a few days behind. (Again. Sorry. I just want to make sure everything works.)
I’ve got an installer package scripted for windows installation and I’m making the beta build available to everyone who supported (25$ and up) Available on Monday morning. (July 25)
Things to do with Tactics? Import all the 3d models I created to their placeholders. Import the remaining dialog scripts. Test with a few playthroughs. Work on the remaining 2 reward tier characters.
(The last two might be iffy if the owners need time for corrections.)
Right I have 2 weeks of work on TE to do, But I have about 5 days of Gold Digger to do.
Projected release date July 14-20th. (I’m trying hard to keep this 14th date but I need time to compensate for everything.)
I was planning to use Articy Draft, a resource managing authoring software to handle my dialog and story content and automate some tasks but it’s XML exporting methods are just plain incompatible with the tags I use to generate dialog choices and stage commands, so I’ll have to code those content files by hand…
Unfortunately this creates another set-back.
I estimate 14 additional days of work to compensate, but it might be longer as I have lost some automation.