3rd times a charm eh

First build was too bloaty (Takes 1 hour to build btw.) Or so I THOUGHT. 900MB size.

Second, It turns out the engine did a better job of compressing the images than I thought. Wound up with 2,000MG for all my optimizing. Sheesh.

So I go to post the first build when I realize that one had all the cheat codes hard wired. So I remove the codes and accidently turn on “hard mode” (Making it really really hard to get through lvls. Your crew shouldn’t be all one-shotted on turn two.

So I renormalized the enemy damage (Not easy mode though… unless you know what to do.)

Building Windows version of the beta tonight then the rest tomorrow. Been up since 6am doing errands and It’s 2.30am now


7 thoughts on “3rd times a charm eh”

  1. Hi Fred. I downloaded the rar file and unzipped it, but I encountered two problems-
    1. Level 331 doesn’t extract correctly.

    2. There doesn’t seem to be any executable with which to run this. Do I need another program to run it?

    1. I emailed everyone a new link, And I’ll rebuild the old one during this week. I guess there was a hiccup while it was being uploaded.

  2. Same issues. Just letting you know you’re not the only one.

    For the record I’m unzipping it with 7zip, just in case this is the one time where WinRAR is actually required.

    1. After thinking about it a bit, it’s likely we don’t have access to the alpha software and we were sent the data files by accident.

      1. This is the beta version. It needs polish and the sidequests aren’t installed but the main story and the 31 characters are playable. (28 of which *each* have 16 interlude cutscenes to unlock.)

    2. Please check email for a new link.
      Additionally I will recheck and rebuild the old link this week.
      It’s pretty hard trying to replace the infrastructure Offbeatr pulled out from under me.
      But I’m not giving up until everyone who rates what they paid for, gets it.

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